Camping Your Way: How Everyone Camps Differently


Camping Your Way: How Everyone Camps Differently

Photos by Dustin Doskocil

With camping season fast approaching, I’ve been ruminating on the diverse preferences of the motley crew I’ve ventured into the wild with. From campsite and shelter choice to food and what gear to bring, everyone has their own peculiar ways. Some prefer dispersed camping, while others opt for the comfort of a state park site. Some bring elaborate cooking setups, while others just reheat soup over the flames. Some sleep under the stars in a hammock. while others roll out a 45-foot RV.

I believe in embracing this diversity, recognizing that the most important thing is soaking up nature's glory. Despite our individual styles, there’s often one essential item each camper can’t do without. For yours truly, it’s my camera and tripod, as well as, all of the associated bells and whistles. These tools have enabled me to immortalize some amazing adventures.

So, take a peek at my camping chronicles below, and share your own “must-have” camping item with me. I’m eager to hear what your essential camping item is.

Happy Camping!

Dustin Doskocil



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