Rippin' it up on the Hubbard River

Josh from the Mountain Sports Fishing Team and I went out to The Hubbard River on Friday and paddled into some big ol' bass.  We got on the water around 10AM below Lavon Lake and paddled down past the power lines where the water gets really clear.  I'm not sure if it was because of the time of the day (2-3) or because we switched to watermelon colored wacky worms, but we started tearing it up.  Big large mouth after big large mouth.  

On our way out we stopped at Big Daddy's BBQ.  Which was a real treat and not even a mile down the road.  I'm fairly new to the smoker and (real) bbq.  After eating here I had to call my bbq enthusiast buddy and tell him about it.  He had eaten here and ranked it in the top 50 in Texas.  


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